
SerbianTech News Why is it important to have a mentor?

Why is it important to have a mentor?

Why is it important to have a mentor? August 18, 2021
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Let’s open the door to new knowledge. Whether we want to advance in our career or personal goals – mentors will complete our theory with their experience. Mentoring approaches each team or individual with special care and helps to avoid beginner mistakes. Today we will talk about why it is good to have a mentor and how mentoring works.

For beginning – who are the mentors?

As a teacher or coach, a mentor is a person who motivates and directs us towards our goals. He will give his time and knowledge to his mentees (students), usually without asking for anything in return. Many mentors choose to help educate others because they understand the value of their wisdom and knowledge – and they want to pass it on. The mentor can be an older or younger person from a similar or different sphere and profile of the mentee.

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A mentor is a word of Greek origin and means an expert advisor. According to Greek mythology, Mentor was Odysseus’ wise friend and son of Alcimus, and it is believed that the word originated from this person. Homer also wrote about him in the Odyssey.

What are the benefits we get?

There are many good things we can get from mentoring. We will give you a few examples. It is important to remember that it is not a shame to ask for help. It will allow us to stumble less on this hilly road. Let’s admit to ourselves that there are people who have more experience than us and that many of them are ready to share their knowledge with those who need it. Here are a few things that we single out as the main advantages.


When you seek the help of a mentor, you increase your chances for new professional contacts, which can lead to great opportunities. We have all already learned how important networking is, and we notice that it is increasingly cited as of special importance at larger gatherings. With a mentor, this will go much easier for us – because they already have good contacts built and know which of them could be helpful to us.


Mentors are valuable sources of knowledge. Choose a mentor who will show you the best insight into your current career level. He will give you advice on issues such as how to save money, reduce stress and be more efficient and productive, and will be able to connect his experiences with yours. When we are at the very beginning, most of our ideas seem considerable to us. However, with more experience, we realize that this is not the case. Instead of focusing our energy on various tests of what is good and what is not – let’s rely on the knowledge of a mentor who has already passed it. Give attention to the things that matter and that can be helpful to us.




It happens to all of us that we have a drop in self-confidence. Negative thoughts can become pronounced in everyday life, especially if dealing with a difficult topic or problem. Mentors offer support and words of encouragement to help you motivate yourself and gain extra strength in overcoming the challenges you face.


When you need someone you can trust, having a mentor is a great choice. It is necessary to have a transparent relationship with him built on honesty and trust. Share with him your idea, what you expect from her and how you plan to realize it.

SerbianTech recommends

If you need a mentor or speaker – our recommendation is Talks and Folks. This agency represents top experts in business, science, art, culture, sports, and politics. An experience like this is more than learning. On their website, you can inform in more detail and choose a mentor according to your needs.

You can meet some of them through the fifth season of our podcast.


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